
8 Vocabulary Expansion

1 Pronunciation
2 Noun
3 Personal Pronouns
4 Verb
5 Specifiers
6 Qualifiers
7 Numbers
8 Vocabulary Expansion
a) Dictionary English --> Omnial
b) Dictionary Omnial --> English


Vocabulary Expansion

I).-Word Building:


1.- The ending vowel in any word has never semantic meaning.

2.-The affixes of the verb are always different to the ones of the noun and the adjective.

3.-To form verbs from nouns the suffixes are used only if necessary because usually the ending '-ar' is sufficient.

B).Compound Words:

They are formed by using two words to create a new word by juxtaposition,
the content word appearing last.


1.- When the suffix (or the suffixed word), finishes in 'a', 'e' or 'o', this open vowel will disappear, only when it is ‘i’ or ‘u’ this ending vowel remains:

‘fratal’ and ‘tetruple’, from ‘frate’ and ‘tetra’.
‘mial’ and ‘duesme’, from ‘mi’ and ‘du’.

2.- When the suffix (or the sufixed word), begins with a consonant, the vowel 'o' is added before it (euphonic epenthesis).

’semanofine’ from ‘fine’ and ‘semane’
’cardiologe’ from ‘cardie’ and ‘loge’

3.- At both cases, if an infinitive is prefixed, is deleted the ‘–ar’ morpheme.

'ideolingue’ from ‘idear’ and ‘lingue’


A). International Words:

1.-If there are Greek or Latin roots in scientific or technical language, these are taken into our language.

2.-Any other word of any other language, if they are internationally known can be taken as a neologism.

3.-In both cases they adapted to our morphology.

B) Proper Nouns:

They are transcribed as literally as possible,
and within brackets the phonetical transcription.

The stress is indicated with capital letter:

  • Dante(dAnte)
  • Shakespeare(xEspir)
  • Rouseau(gusO)
  • Cervantes(serbAntes)
  • Fuster (fustEr)
  • Sokrates (sOkrates)

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Omnial: le lingue de omni
