
7 Numbers

1 Pronunciation
2 Noun
3 Personal Pronouns
4 Verb
5 Specifiers
6 Qualifiers
7 Numbers
8 Vocabulary Expansion
a) Dictionary English --> Omnial
b) Dictionary Omnial --> English


The cardinal numbers are:

            'nul' (0),
            'un' (1), 'du' (2), 'tri' (3), 'tetra' (4), 'penta' (5), 'hexa' (6), 'hepta'(7), 'okta'(8), 'nona'(9),
            'dek'     (10 = 101 ),
            'cente' (100 = 10 = 10 x 10),
            'mile' (1000 = 103   = 10 x 10 x 10),
            'milion' or 'mega' (1000 x 1000 =106), 'giga' (109), 'tera' (1012), 'peta' (1015)

            859 672 431 = ' oktacente pentadek nona miliones,
                                   hexacente heptadek du miles,
                                   tetracente tridek un'.

The suffix of numbers are:

            '-esme' for ordinal adjectives.
            '-al' for adjectival numerals.
            '-im' for adverbial numerals.
            '-are' for collective nouns.
            '-iple' for multiples nouns.
            '-ave' for fractionals nouns.
            '-foyim'for reiteration: trifoyim = three times.

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Omnial: le lingue de omni
