
b) Dictionary Omnial --> English

1 Pronunciation
2 Noun
3 Personal Pronouns
4 Verb
5 Specifiers
6 Qualifiers
7 Numbers
8 Vocabulary Expansion
a) Dictionary English --> Omnial
b) Dictionary Omnial --> English

Omnial English

abandonar/V abandon
abate/S abbot
abatie abbey
abcese/S abcess
abdomen/S abdomen
aberante aberrant
abiete/S fir
abisal abysmal
abisme/S abyss
ablative/S ablative
abnegade/A abnegated
abnegadeze abnegation
abolar/V abolish
abominar/V abominate
abonar/V subscribe
abortade abortion
abortar/V abort
abortive abortive
abrasar/V file
abrasil file
abrasive abrasive
abrupte/A abrupt
absade absence
absar se be absent
absar/V be absent,
absente absent
absinze/S absinth
absolute/A absolute
absolvar/V absolve
absorbar/V absorb
abstinar/V,se abstain
abstineze abstinence
abstrakte/A abstract
absurde/A absurd
abule/A abulic
abuleze aboulia
abunde/A abundant, copious
acare/S mite
acelerar/V accelerate
acentuar accentuate
acetar/V, buyar buy
acide/A sour
aciere/S steel
acine/S berry
acine/S, grape/S grape
acne/S acne
acompanar/V accompany
acusar/V accuse
adaptar/V adapt
adekuate/A adequate
adepte/S adept
adherar/V adhere
adieu goodbye
adipose fat
adizar/V add
adjective/S adjective
adjutante/S assistant
administrar/V admininister
admirar/V admire
adobe/S adobe
adoptar/V adopt
adorar/V,latriar/V adore
adornar/V adorn
adrese/S address
adulte/A adult
adulterar/V adulterate
adverbe/S adverb
advocate/S advocate
aere/S air
aerostato/S montgolfier
afable/A affable
afektar/V affect
afere/S affair
afixe/S affix
afliktar/V afflict
aforisme/S aphorism
afrikative affricative
afte/S aphtha
agasar/V setting on edge
agende/S notebook
agente/S agent
agentie agency
agitar/V agitate
agle/S eagle
aglomerar/V agglomerate
aglutinar/V agglutinate
agoniade agony
agoniar/V agonize
agradante agreeable
agradar/V be pleasing
agre/S arable land
agresar/V aggress
agreseme aggressive
agreser aggressor
agreseze,agresiveze,agresore,agresanteze aggressiveness
agrokulturade/S agriculture,farming
agrokulturer farmer
agrologe agronomist
agrologie agronomy
akademian academian
akademie/S academy
akcente/S accent
akceptar/V accept
akcesore/A accessory
akcidente/S accident
akirar/V acquire
aklamar/V acclaim
akordione/S accordion
akrobate/S acrobat
aktar/V act,play
akterin actress
akterul actor
aktine/S,fulge lightning
aktivar/V activate
aktive active
aktiveze activity
aktiviste activist
aktuale/A present
aku/S needle
akuarium/S aquarium
akumular/V accumulate
akumulator accumulator
akupunkter acupuncturist
akupunterie acupuncture
akusative/S accusative
akute/A sharp,acute
alabastre/S alabaster
alarmante alarming
alarmar/V alarm
alarme/S alarm
alarmer,alarmator alarm
alarmiste alarmist
albe/A white
albume/S album
albumine/S albumin
alcione/S kingfisher
alcoholopateze alcoholism
ale/S wing
aleatore/A aleatory
alegrar gladden
alegre/A jolly
alegrenar,jubilar rejoice
alegreze joy
alerte/A alert
alfabete/S alphabet
alge/S algae
algebre/S algebra
algiar hurt
algie/S,odine/S pain
algoritme/S algorithm
aliade alliance
aliar se/V
alibi/S alibi
alied allied
alimentar/S,trofar/V feed
alkohol/S alcohol
almanake/S almanac
alminus at least
almosne/S alms
alne/S alder
alode/S lark
alreadim, jam already,yet
altare/S altar
alte/A high
alternar/V alternate
altre/I other
altreparolim that is
altruismo/S altruism
altruiste/S altruist
aludar/V allude
aluminum/S aluminium
amar/V love
amater amateur
amater/V amateur
ambaser/S ambassador
ambaserie embassy
ambe/I both
ambibial/A amphibian
ambitiar/V have the ambition to
ambitieme ambitious
ambitiereze ambition
ambulance/S ambulance
ambular/V walk
amen amen
ameneze amenity
amigdale/S almond
amike/S friend
amnesar/V forget
amnesiereze amnesia
amore/S,ameze love
amorfe/A amorphous
ample/S wide
ampleze extent
ampleze amplitude
amplizar amplify
amplizator, er amplifier
amputar/V amputate
amulete/S amulet
amusar/V amuse
anakronisme/S anachronism
analisar/V analyse
analoge/A analogous
anarkal anarchic
anarkie anarchy
anarkisme anarchism
anarkiste anarchist
anatomie/S anatomy
andre/S man
anekdote/S anecdote
anemie/S anemia
anemiose anaemic
anemometre anemometer
anestesizar/V anesthetize
angel/S angel
angostade/S-constriktade constriction
angoste/A, stene/A narrow
angule/S angle
anikilar/V annihilate
animale/S,zoe/S animal
anise/S anise
anke, alsor also
ankore still
ankre/S anchor
anomine/A,innomose anonymous
anstate instead of
ante nun ago
ante/K before
antene/S antenna
antibiotike/S antibiotic
anticipar/V anticipate
antidote/S antidote
antike/A ancient
antikume antique
antikumer antique dealer
antilope/S antilope
anue/S year
anuncar/V announce
anunce/V announcement
anxie/S anxiety
anxiose anxious
aparate/S apparatus
apartar/V put aside
apartemente/S apartment(US)flat(UK)
apelar/V appeal
apene scarcely
aperar/V appear
apertenar/V belong,appertain
apie/S bee
aplaudar/V applaud
aplikar/V apply
apreciar/V appreciate
apricote/S apricot
april/S april
apud/K near
arbore/S tree
arbuste/S bush,shrub
arenglar/V arrage
argente/S silver
argile/S clay
aritmetike/S arithmetic
arivar/V arrive
arkitekte/S architect
armea/S army
armoire/S cupboard
arome/S aroma
arte/S art
articoke/S artichoke
artikle/S article
artre/S joint
asertar/V assert
asez/I enough
asfalte/S asphalt
asignar/V assign
aspecteze aspect
aspektar/V,fenar/V seem
aspektim,aparenteze in appearance
aspirar/V aspirate
aspre/A coarse
astenie/S tiredness
asteniosar tire
asteniose tired
astre/S celestial body
astute/A cunning
atakar/V attack
atendar/V esperar? care for
atendeme attentive
atingar/V attain
atmosfere/S atmosphere
atrapar/V catch
atribuar/V attribute
audar/V hear
auguste/S august
aure/S gold
auricule/S ear
aurore/S dawn
auskultar/V listen
auteur/S author
automovil/S car
autune/S autumn
auxiliar/V help
avellane hazelnut
avisar/V advise
avise/S advertisement
axe/S axle
axiome/S axiom
axor or
bacile/S bacillus
bag/S,saket,marsupe,ciste bag
bagne/A soaked
bagnire bath-tub
bagnocambre,bagnence bathroom
bakelite/S bakelite
bakterie/S bacterium
balance/S balance
balcone/S balcony
balene/S whale
balone/S ball
balonete/S balloon
balsame/S balsam
banane/S banana
baniar/V bathe
banke/S bank
barbe/S beard
barbecue/S barbecue
bariere/S barrier
base/S basis
baskete/S basket
bastone/S stick
bataliar/V do battle
batrace/S frog
baye/S bay
bayte/S,oktare byte
beke/S beak
bele/A beautiful
beleze beauty
belikar make war
belike/S war
belikeme belligerent
bende/S band
besides.ultra besides
beste/S beast
beterave/S beetroot
bicikle/S, bike bicycle
biere/S beer
bike/S,bicikle bicycle
bitumine/S bitumen
blefare/S eyelid
blinde/A blind
blokosar/V blockade
blue/A blue
bone/A good
borde/S border
botane/S, plante/S,fite/S plant
botele/S bottle
bovin/S cow
bovul/S bull
box/S box
brade/A slow
brake/S arm
brave/A brave
braveze courage
breve/A brief
brike/S brick
brilante bright
brilar/V shine
brilente bright
brilereze brightness
bromate/S,nutrume,fagumes food
bronte/S thunder
brose/S brush
brune/A brown
bruske/A brusque
bular/V boil
bunglar/V bungle
bus/S bus
butire/S butter
buton/S button
cadre/S frame
cafe/S coffee
caferie cafeteria
cake/I each
calcular/V calculate
calculator calculator
calculer book-keeper
calendare/S calendar
calmar calm
calme/A calm
calze/S stocking
cambre/S room
camise/S shirt
campane/S bell
camufle/S camouflage
cancele/S fence,grill
cancere/S cancer
cane/S dog
cantar/V sing
cantitate/S quantity, amount
capace/A capable
capele/S hat
capele/S hair
capelitate mane
captivar/V capture
carbone/S coal
cardie/S heart
care/A dear
cargar/V charge
carine/S keel
carme/A charm
carmesar enchant
carmoze charming
carosere/S car body
carote/S carrot
carpe/S wrist
carte/S card
case/S case
casete/S cassette
cate/S cat
catear/V chat
catedrale/S cathedral
catedre armchair
caude/S tail
cause/S,etie/S cause
causim on account of
cefale/S head
cefe/S boss, chief
cekar/V check
celebrar/V celebrate
cemine/S way,road
cente/MI hundred
centre/S center
cerebre/S brain
certe/A certain
cervice/S neck
cesar cease
cetere/I,restante remaining,, rest of
cevale/S horse
cez/K at (place)
ciane/A cyan
ciele/S sky
cience/S science
cigare/S cigar
cilie/S eyelash
cimike/S chemistry
cinzelar/V,glife/S carving,carve
cirkle/S circle
cis/K on this side of
cognosar/V know,be familiar
coherente/A coherent
cokar/V cook
coker cook
cokie/S kitchen
cokle/S snail
colektionar collect
colektione/S collection
colektive/A,aral collective
coleopte/S,Skarabe beetle
colere/S anger
colerose angry
colore/S colour
comandar/V order
combar/V comb
comencar/V begin
comencar/V initiate
comercar/V trade
comforteze comfort
comisionar/V entrust
comitate/S committee
comparar/V compare
complar/V accomplish
complicar/V complicate,entangle,embroil
comprenar/V understand
computar/V compute
computer computer
comune/S common
comunikar/V communicate
comunisme/S communism
con with
concernar/V concern
condicione/S condition
condre/S,cartilage/S cartilage
conference/S conference
confesar/V confess
confirmar/V confirm
confusar/V confuse
confuse/A confused
congratular/V congratulate
congrese/S congress
conkrete/A concrete
conpatiosar/V,conmiserar have pity for
conselar/V advise
consele/S advice
consentar/V agree
conservar/V conserve
considerar/V consider
consistar/V consist
constante/S constant
constatar/V ascertain
construar/V build
contaktar/V contact
contentar/V satisfy, please
contente/A glad
contexte/S context
contigue/A,adjacente/A contiguous
continuar/V,durar continue
contre against
controlar/V verify
convenante/A convenient
convenar/V be appropriate,suit
conventione/S convention
convincar/V convince
copiar/V copy
coprar/V cover
corektar/V correct
corekte/A correct
corpore/S body
correspondar/V correspond
cortice/S bark
cortile/S court,yard
cose/S,ume,objekte thing
cosine/S cousin
costar/V cost
costume/S,eto custom
coxe/S hip
cuirar/V cook
culpose/A guilty
cultivar/V cultivate,culture
culture/S culture
cumule/S cumulus
cupe/S cup
cupone/S coupon
curse/S course
curvose/A curved
dakre/S tear
daktile/S finger or toe
dansar/V dance
de of
de of(quantity)
de(je) of
debitar/V debit
dece/MI ten
decembre/S december
decente/A decent
decidar/V decide
defendar/V defend
definar/V define
deke/S deck
deklarar/V declare
demandar/V ask a question
demande/S question
demostrar/V demonstrate
dense/A dense
dente/S tooth
departar/V depart
dependar/V depend
depravarV deprave
derekte/S right
derme/S skin
describar/V describe
desdormar awake
deserte/S desert
designar/V design
desirar/V wish
desire/S wish
desodoroser deodorant
destruar/V, lisar/V destroy
desunized separated
detale/S detail
devar/V have to / must
devenar/V become
dextre/K right
diable/S devil
diagnostikar/V diagnose
dicar/V say
die/S day
diferante/A,xene/A different
diferantume/S difference
digite/S digit
dikter dictator
diktionare/S dictionary
dilatade dilatation
dipse/A thirsty
dipsesar be thirsty
dipseze thirst
direktar/V lead
disipar/V,despendrar spend
diske/S disk
diskutar/V discuss
disolvar/V dissolve
dispersar/V disperse
distirar/V shoot,fire
distribuar/V distribute
Dive/S God
diverse/A diverse
dividar/V divide
dividar/V,skizar/V divide
doktor/S doctor
dolce/A sweet
dome/S house
donar/V give
donkey/S donkey
dormar/V,morfar/V sleep
dormense,bed/S bed
dorse/S back
dose/S dose
dromar/V run
du/NI two
dubitar/V doubt
duciar/V shower
durim, dum during, while
ece here is/behold
economie/S economy
educar/V educate
eficace/A effective, efficacious
egoiste/S egoist
egoisteze/S egoism
ekipar/V equip
elastike/A elastic
elefante/S elephant
elektar/V choose
elektre,elektriose electric, electrical
elektreze,elektrie electricity
elektrezer,elektrier electrician
elektrizar electrify
elemente/S element
eliminar/V eliminate,eradicate
email/S email
emfase/S emphasis
emigrar/V emigrate
employar/V hire
en nexte
en paste
en/K in
energie/S energy
energiose energetic
enflar/V swell
enoyar/V,vexar/V,turbar annoyance
enparkar/V park
entere/S intestine
entusiasme/S enthusiasm
envelope/S envelope
enviromente/S environment
epistole/S letter
epoke/S epoch
ergo so, therefore
ergo, dunke so
eritre/A,rubie red
erorar err
erore/S error
es is
es ke question particle
esar/V be
eskeme/S schema
esklere/A hard
eskriptar/V write
eskusar se/V apologize
espanol/S Spanish
esperar/V hope
esperereze hope
esposin wife
esposul husband
este/S east
este/S east
estimar/V esteem
estive/S summer
et and
etate/S age
etiologie etiology
even, etiam even
eventuale/A contingent, possible
evidente/A evident
evoluar/V evolve
exa/NI six
exakte/A exact
examinar/V examine
excange/S exchange
exceptim except
excursar/V excursion
exemple/S example
exercisar/V exercise
exhortar/V exhort
existar/V exist
experte/A connoisseur,expert
explikar/V explicate
explorar/V explore
exposar/V exposition
expresar/V express
extendar/V extend
exterminar/V exterminate
extra/K out of
extralandal foreign
extrinseke/A extrinsic
fabe/S,fesole bean
facile/A easy
fagar/V eat
faktable feasible
faktar do, make
fakte/S fact
falade drop
falange/S phalange
falar/V,cadear/V,tosar/V fall
falce/S,drepane/S sickle
falcone/S hawk
fame/S fame
familie/S family
familionome surname
fange/S slime,silt,sludge
faringe/S pharinx
fascinante fascinating
fascinar/V fascinate
favore/S favour
favorim please
febembre/S February
febre/S fever
felice/A happy
feliceze happiness
femine/S female
fenestre/S window
fere/S,sidere/S iron
festar/V celebrate
fiasco/S fiasco
file/S thread
filiastre/S stepson
filie/S son
filme/S film
finar terminate
fine/S end
fitologie/S,botanike botany
fixar/V fix
flage/S flag
flame/S flame
flanke/S flank
flatuse/S flatus
flave/A,iktere/A xante/A yellow
flexeble/A flexible
flore/S flower
flotar/V float
fluar/V flow
fluvie/S river
folie/S leaf
fonetike/S phonetics
fontane/S spring
for for,in order to
forame/S, hole hole
foreste/S forest
forkete/S fork
formice/S ant
fornar bake
forne/S oven
forner baker
forsan perhaps
forte/A,stene/A strong
fosarV, cavitar/V dig, grub, spade
fotografar/V photograph
fove/S hole
France/S France
frapar/V strike
frase/S sentence,phrase
frate/S brother
frede/A,krie/A cold
frekuente/A,oftal frequent
frekuentim,oftim often
frexe/A fresh
fritar/V fry
frivole/A frivolous
from from
from de from
from ki loke whence
fronte/K in fronf of
frontere/S frontier
frute/S fruit
fugar/V flee
fumar smoke
fume/S smoke
fumosar smoke
funcione/S function
fundar/V found
funde/S bottom
fune/S,corde/S rope
funge/S,mice/S fungus
future/S future
gamar/V get married
gardene/S garden
garlice/S,aglie garlic
gase/S, atme gas
gastre/S stomach
gaudar/V enjoy
generale/A general
generar/V generate
gentile/A nice
genu/S knee
gere/A elderly person
gerente/S,arke manager,master
giga/MI giga
gigante/S giant
gine/S woman
girar/V turn
glacie/S ice
glade/S sword
glamure/S glamour
glance/S,balane/S acorn
glidar/V glide
glorie/S glory
glose/S tongue
golfe/S gulf
grade/S degree
gramatike/S grammar
grande/A big
grane/S grain
granfilie/S grandson
granpatre/S grandfather
gratiar/V thank
gratis/A free
grave/A heavy
gris/A gray
grose/A fat
grunte/S ground
grupe/S,gregare group
guidar/V guide
guture/S throat
habile/A able
habitar/V reside
hacker hacker
hasarde/S chance
hasta until, bye
havar/V have
haxe/S ax
helo hello
hemate/S blood
hemere/S,gazete newspaper
hepate/S liver
hepta/NI seven
herbe/S grass
herbosalter/S grasshopper
herebim hereby
hetere/A,diferente different
hiberne/S winter
hidre/S water
higre/A,humiteA wet
hiper- hiper
hipo-olige- hipo,nomany
historie/S history
hobie/S hobby
home/iso equal
home/S home
honey/S honey
hore/S hour
horibile/A ugly
horoconter,klok clock
hoste/S guest
hotel/S hotel
humane/S human being
humanin woman
humanitate humanity
ide cub
ideale/S ideal
idee/S idea
identike/A identical
ile/S he
iles they
ilin she
imaginar imagine
imagine/S,ikone picture
imitar/V imitate
impertinante impertinent
importante important
importar/V import
imprimar/V print
inaugurar/V inaugurate
incontrar/V encounter,meet
incorekte incorrect
indicar/V indicate
industrie/S industry
inesposed bachelor
inflar/V bloat,inflate
informar/V inform,report
infra/K under
infrim below
inhalar/V inhale
inklinar/V incline
inklusar/V include
inmoralose/A abandoned
innormal abnormal
inprofunde shallow
inrolar/V roll
insekte/S insect
insigne/S insignia
instante/S,momente/S instant
instruar/V,docar teach, instruct
insucese/S failure
insule/S island
inteligente/A intelligent
intentar/V intend
inter/K between, among
interesar/V interest
interne/A internal
interumpar/V interrupt
intra/K within
intrar go in, enter
intrinseke/A intrinsic
invitar/V invite
invoice/S invoice
irar/V,tropar go
irge/I any
iste/I, te this
istelokim here
istiam so
isus equal
it/S it
jacar/V lie,recline
Janembre/S January
jektar,expelar throw
jewel/S jewel
jewel/S jewel,geme
joglar juggle
jokar/V joke, jest
Jovodie/S Thursday
judikar judge
Juliembre/S July
Junembre/S June
juntar/V join
juntim together
jupe/S skirt
juske until
juste just, exact
justite just
justone very son
juvene/A young
kaderne/S notebook
kaose/S chaos
kase/S cheese
ke that
kelke/I some
keyar lock
kiam as, than
kiam how
kiam sif as if
kicuantim how much
kilograme/S kilogram
kilokim where
kilometre/S kilometer
kiom who
kisar/V kiss
kitempim when
kium what
klamar/V claim
klare/A clear
klase/S class
klasificar/V,taxar classify
klaudar/V close
klave/S key,wrench
klepter/V thief
kliente/S customer
klopodar/V undertake
klub/S club
kopre/S lees,shit
kore/S choir
korne/S horn
korne/S horn
kosmo/S cosmos
krabe/S crab
kratar/V lead
krear/V create
kredar/V believe
kreskar/V,adolescar/V grow
krinar secrete,segregate
krine/S, krinure secretion
krinere mane
kriptar/V hide
kristale/S crystal
kritar/V shout out
kruel/A cruel
krure/S leg
kuadrate/S square
kualitate/S quality
kurte/A, brakie short
label/S,etikete label,tag
laberinte/S labyrinth
labie/S lip
laborar work
labore/S work
lacerar/V tear,rip
lacerte/S lizard
lake/S lake
lakte/S milk
lamentar/V lament
lande/S country, land
lasar/V leave
laudar/V laud
lavar/V wash
laxar/V release
le the
lege/S law
legofilie son-in-law
legofiliin daughter-in-law
legofrato brother-in-law
legopatre father-in-law
legume/S vegetable
lektar/V read
lenike/S lens
lentile/S lentil
lepore/S rabbit
lernar/V learn
leson/S lesson
levar/V lift
levator lift,elevator
lexikare/S vocabulary
libere/A free
libereze freedom
liberisme liberalism
libre/S, biblie/S book
libroteke bookcase
ligere/A light
ligne/S, xile/S wood
likide/A liquid
limite/S limit
line/S flax,linen
lingue/S language
linie/S line
linkar/V,ligar link
linux/S linux
lione/S lion
lipide/S,adipe,steate grease
lise/A smooth
liste/S list
literature/S literature
litere/S letter
litore/S littoral
liverar/V deliver
loke/S location,place
lokosar locate
longe/A,dolike/A long
lontane/A,tele away
lubricar/V lubricate
luktar/V fight
lumbe/S waist
luminar illuminate,shine
lumine/S light
lune/S,selene/S moon
Lunodie/S Monday
lustrar/V polish, buff
macule/S stain
magazine/S review,magazine
magnete/A magnetic
magneteze,magnetisme magnetism
magnetizar magnetize
magnífike/A magnificent
magre/A thin
mailar/V mail
makine/S machine
male/A, cace/A bad
maleole/S ankle
malgrate despite,in spite of
malgrate ke in spite of,although
mamifere/S mammal
manciar/V guess
mandibule/S mandible,jaw
manie/S mania
maniere/S manner
mankar/V be lacking
mantele/S cape, coat, mantle
manue/S, cire/S hand
mape/S, landocarte map
maple/S maple
marciar/V march
mare,talase/S sea
margine/S margin
marke/S mark
martele/S hammer
martodie/S Tuesday
masagar/V massage
mascule/S male
masetar/V chew
maste/S udder
materiale/S material
materie matter
matine/S morning
matre/S mother
May/S May
medicar/V medicate
medicase medicine
medicer, iatrer physician
medicine/S medicine
medie/S middle
medule/S,miele/S medulla
membre/S member
memorar/V(intra,extra,in,exo) remember
memorereze,nezieze memory
memorizar,nezie remind
menacar/V menace
mensue/S month
mental mental
mente/S,frene/S,sike/S mind
mentone/S chin
meravilar (admirizar) marvel
meravile/S marvel
meravilose marvelous
mercurodie/S Wednesday
meritar/V merit
merkate/S marketplace
mesage/S message
mesme/I,ipse ones self
mesopotamie/S mesopotamie
mesurar/V measure
metale/S metal
metalike metalic
metastase/S metastasis
meteore/S weather
metode/S method
metre/S meter
mi/P I
migrar/V migrate
mike/S crumb
milarde billion
mile/MI thousand
milion/SI million
mimetade mime
mimetar/V mime
mimeter mimic
mimeteze mimicry
mine/S mine
minerale/S ore,mineral
minus less
minute/S minute
misar hate
mitigar/V mitigate
mixar/V mix
moble/S piece of furniture
mode/S fashion
modele/S model
modem/S modem
modeste/A modest
modificar/V modify
mofar/V make fun of
mole/A, softe/A soft
molecule/S molecule
momente moment
monde/S world
monete/S money
monte/S mountain
monumente/S Monument
mordar/V bit
morfe/S,forme/S form, shape
morfeme/S morpheme
mortar/V,cidar/V kill
morte/A dead
mortenade death
mortenar,tanasar/V die
mortere mortar
mostrar/V show
motive/S motive
mouse/S mouse
movar/V, cinesar/V move
movator motor
multare multitude
multe/I many
multiplar multiply
multiple multiple
mure/S wall
muscule/S muscle
muse/S muse
museum/S museum
musike/S music
muske/S fly
mutar/V change
mutre/S nut
nagle/S nail
narke/S,torpeze torpor,bluntness
nase/S nose
naskar/V be born
natar/V,nektar swim
natione/S nation
nature/S nature
naue/S ship, vessel
nauer/S sailor
naufragade shipwreck
naufragar/V be shipwrecked
naufragome castaway
nausear nauseate
nausee/S nausea
nautar/V navigate
ne not
nebule/S,brume fog
necesar/V need
necesed necessary
necesume need
nefre/S kidney
negar/V negate
negotiar/V business
nek nor
nekre/S deceased
nepote/S nephew
nepre/S absolutely necessary
nete/A clean
neure/S nerve
neutre/A neutral
nexe/S,unione/S union
nexte/A next
nextediim tomorrow
nide/S nest
nigre/A,melane/A black
nive/S snow
nivele/S level
node/S knot
noise/S noise
nokte/S night
nome/S name
nona/NI nine
norde/S north
normal/A usual,normal
norme/S standards
nos/P we
nose/S disease
note/S note
nove/A new
Novembre/S November
novume/S,reporte new
nube/S cloud
nulal anyone's
nulel no kind of
nuli/I zero
nulim in no way
nullokim nowhere
nulom nobody
nultempim never
nulum nothing
numere/S number
nun, now now
nundie today
nuptiade marriage
nur only,merely
nutrar/V nourish
nuxe/S,carie walnut
nuxofite walnut tree
oasi oasis
obear/V obey
objecte/S object
oblikue/A oblique
obre/S literary work
observar/V observe
obstakle/S obstacle
obstinar/V be obstinate
obstineme obstinate
obstinereze obstinacy
obtenar/V obtain
ocasione/S occasion
oceane/S ocean
ocule/S eye
ocupar/V occupy
ocurar/V occur
odorar smell
odore/S,arome/S smell
oeve/S egg
ofensar/V offend
oferar/V offer
ofice/S,oficence office
oficer officer,functionary
oficerie/S,buro/S,konterie,oficie office space
okcidente/S occident
okta/NI eight
oktave/S octave
Oktembre/S October
oleo/S oil
olfatar/V smell
olfative olfactory
omni/I all
on people
onar/V turn on
onike/S finger nail
onkle/S uncle
onklin aunt
opinar/V opine
opium/S opium
opresar/V oppress
or or
orange/S orange
ordere/S order
ordinalar/V order
ordinarie/A ordinary
ordine/S order
ore/S, stome/S mouth
orexeze,limeze hunger
organizar/V organize
oriente,weste/S orient
original original
originaleze originality
origine/S origin
orke/S,testikle testicle
ornite/S bird
oscure/A dark
osmar/V smell
oste/S bone
ostrace/S shell
ovale/S oval
ovul/S sheep
oxide/S oxide
oxidizar oxidize
oxigener/S oxygen
pace/S peace
paciente patient
pacienteze patience
page/S page
paide/S, infante/S child
paketar pack
pakete/S packet
palace/S palace
palate/S mouth roof
palide/A pale
palpar/V palpate
palude/S marsh
pane/S bread
panike/S panic
panorame/S landscape,panorama
pantalone/S trousers
papire/S paper
paradise/S paradise,heaven
paragrafe/S paragraph
paralisar/V paralyze
parar/V bear
pardonar/V forgive
parke/S park
parkinar/V parking
parlamenterie parliament
parolar/V,fasar/V speak
parole/S word
partene/A,celiber/S bachelor
partie/S part
parturar/V bear
parve/A small
pasar/V pass
paste/S dough,paste
patier,patient patient
patrastre/S stepfather
patre/S father
paupere/A poor
pausar/V pause
pavimente/S pavement
payar/V pay
pedicule/S louse
pektinar/V comb
pektore/S breast
penalizar/V punish,penalize
penar/V lack
pencil/S pencil
pendar/V hang
pene/S,fale penis
pensar/V think
penta/NI five
per by
per by means of
per ke because
per tium therefore
perdar/V lose
pere/S pear
perecar/V perish
perfekte/A perfect
peri/K around
periode/S period
permetar/V permit
perseverar/V persist,persevere
persone/S person
peta/M peta
petar/V,petitionar/V request
petre/S stone
piece/S piece
pikar/V pick
piktar/V paint
pilore/S, door
pincar/V pinch
pire/S fire
piroloke hearth
pirosar burn
pisce/S,iktie fish
placere/S, hedone pleasure
plafone/S tekte ceiling
plagie/S beach
plane/S plane
planete/S planet
plangar/V complain
plante/S plant
planus/S plan
plastice/A plastic
plastike/S plastic
plate/A flat
platume/S plate
playar/V play
plene/A, complete/A full
plorar/V cry
plume/S feather
plurale/S plural
plure/I ,poli several
plus more
pluvar/V rain
pode/S foot
pododigite toe
poeme/S poem
poesial poetic, poetical
poesie/S poetry
poesier poet
poison/S poison
pokare aa
poke/I few
polex/S thumb
police/S police
polite/A polite
politer politician
politike/S politics
pome/S apple
ponte/S bridge
populal popular
popule/S,deme/S people
portar/V carry
porte/S harbor
posar/V put or place
posedar/V possess
posible/A possible
poskete/S pocket
poste/K behind, after
poste/K afterward
postefixe/S suffix,postfix
posteirar follow
postere/S poster
postular/V demand
potar/V drink
potil glass
povar/V can
praktike/S practice
precoce/A early, precocious
precocim early
preferar/V prefer
prefixe/S prefix
pregar/V pray
prendar/V get,take
preparar/V prepare
presbe/A, geronte/A old
presentar/V present
presente/S present
presidar/V preside
presionar/V, barar/V press
presione,bare/S pressure
preske almost,nearly
prestar/V lend
presunte/A presumptive
prete/A ready
preterite/S past
preteritim formerly
price/S price
princeske princely
principal principal
principe/S prince
principle/S principle
princolande principality,princedom
printempe/S spring
prite about, concerning
prite kium
pro pro
probable/A probable
probableze probability
probleme/S problem
produkte/S product
profesione/S profession
profunde/A profound,deep
programe/S program
progresar/V progress
progresione/S sequence,row
projektar/V project
projekte/S project
promisar/V promise
pronuncar/V pronounce
proposar/V propose
propre/A one's own
protektar/V protect
protestar/V protest
provar/V prove,assay
proxime/A near
proximim approximately
prurite/S itching
puberin/S girl
puberul/S,infante boy
publicitar/V advertise
publikalar publish
publike/S public
puere/S child
pugne/S fist
pulmone/S lung
pulsar/V push
pulvere/S dust,powder
punkte/S dot,point
punte/S point
pupe/S doll
purar/V clean
purpose/S goal,purpose
pus/S pus
putre/A,sapre rotten
radice/S root
radie/S ray
radio/S radio
rafar/V sew
rakie/S rachis
ranke/S rank
rapide/A quick, swift
rare/A rare
rate/S rat
real/A real
reciproke/A reciprocal;mutual
recivar/V,ceptar ? receive
recomendar/V recommend
redaktar/V, redigar draw up
reflexil,reflexor mirror
reformar/V reform
regentar/V govern
regione/S region
regner king, queen
regnerie kingdom
regule/S rule
reiterim,itere again
rekte/S straight,direct
relatar/V relate,narrate,recount
relationar se/V relate to
relative/A relative
religione/S religion
remarkar/V remark
remitar/V send, remit
remote/A, lontanal,distal far, remote
repetar/V repeat
reportar/V report
reposar/V repose
reprocar/V reproach
republike/S republic
resistar/V resist
respirar/V breathe
respondar/V answer,respond
restar/V remain
resultar/V result
resurce/V remedy
rete/S net
retornar/V return
retroirar move back
revolutione/S revolution
rice/A rich
ridar/V laugh
rigide/A stiff
riske/S,danger/S danger
ritme/S rhythm
rize/S rice
robar/V steal
rober burglar
roke/S rock
rolar/V roll
romane/S,novele novel
rompar/V break
ronde/A round
rope/S robe
rosal rose
rose rose
rostar/V roasting
rote/S wheel
rubrike/S heading,rubric
ruge/S wrinkle
rugose, trake/A rough
rugoseze roughness
rute/S road
sabate/S shoe
sabotar/V sabotage
sacare/S sugar
sacarine/S saccharin
sagace/A wise,sage
sagite/S arrow
salone/S living room
saltar/V jump
salutar/V greet
salvar/V save
same/I same
sande/S sand
sane/A healthy
sante/A holy
sapigar/V know
sapone/S soap
satisfakte/A satisfied
Saturnodie/S Saturday
se/P self
secule/S century
secure/A secure ,safe
secureze safety, security
sed, but but
sedar/V sit
sedense chair
seducar/V seduce
sekrete/A secret
sekreter secretary
sekreterie secretariat
sekretum secret
sektione/S section
sekunde/S second
selon,akordim according to
semane/S week
semanteme/S semanteme
semblar/V,aparentar/V appear
seme/S seed
sense/S sense
sentar/V,stesar feel,sense
sentator sensor,feeler
sente,senture sensation
sentereze sensitivity
sentereze feeling
separar/V,desunar,skizar disjoin
Septembre/S September
sercar/V search
serioze serious
serpente/S,ofide/S snake
servar/V serve
seson/S season
set/S series
sewar/V sew
sexe/S sex
sfintar/V grip
sibilar/V whistle
sif if
signe/S sign
signifar/V signify
signife meaning
signore/S lord
silencator dampener
silence/S silence
silencosar silence
silencose silent
silke/S silk
silkeske silky
silkikre of silk
simbole/S symbol
simie/S ape
simile/A similar
simple/A simple
since From the time of
sine, ana without
singulal singular
singule/A,isole alone
sinistre/A left
sisteme/S system
sitake/S parrot
situatione/S situation,circumstances
size/S size
skapule/S scapula
skolie/S tortuous
skopiar/V look,watch
smile/S smile
snifar/V,rinar sniff
socienar/V affiliate
societate/S society
sofe/A clever
Sol(o)die/S Sunday
soldate/S soldier
sole/S sun
solke/S furrow
solutionar/V resolve
sonacar noisy
sonar sound
sone/S sound
soniar/V dream
sonie/I somebody, someone
sonologie,akustike acoustics
sorbar/V suck
sordide/A dirty
sorte/S fate
spasme/S jolt
spatule/S shoulder
spatule/S shovel
speciale/A special
specie/S species,type
spiar/V spy
spice/S spice
spikule/S spike
spine/S spine
splendide/A splendid
sponge/S sponge
sponil/S spoon
sport/S sport
spose spouse
sposenade marriage,matrimony
sputar/V spit,splutter
spute/S sputum
stafile/S,raceme raceme
stanar/V stand
standard/S standard
standarte/S standard
startar/V start,begin
state/S state
statione/S station
status/S status,condition
stele/S star
stesable perceptible
stesil sense
stesinde sensual,sensorial
stesisme sensualisme
stofe/S stofe
stopar/V stop
stranie/A,xene/A strange
strate/S street
studiar study
stufe/S step
stupende/A stupendous
stupide/A stupid
subite/A sudden
subitim suddenly
sucesar/V succeed
sucese/S success
sud/K south
suficente/A enough
suflar/V blow
sufocar/S asphyxiate
sufrar/V suffer
suke/S juice
sukere/S sugar
sume/S somme
suponar/V suppose
suportar/V support
supra/K,epi above,beyond, over
supral above
supralandar/V land
suprar raise
supravivar/V survive
suprim above
suprum top
suprum,surface surface
suprumal,surfacal superficial
sur(suprak) on
surface/S surface
surogate/A surrogate
sustituar/V substitute
table/S table
tabule/S,planke plank
tacar/V silent,quiet
taktar/V touch
talismane/S,amulete talisman,amulet
talone/S,calcane/S heel
tamen however
tanke/S tank
tape/S tape
tardie/A,late late
tardiim late
tarse/S ankle
tase/S,cupe cup
taske/S task
taste/I that
tastelokim there
teatre/S theater
tee/S tea
tekte/S roof
telefonar/V phone
telefonil phone
televidil television
teligente/A,stupid dull,stupid
teme/S theme
tempe/S, krone/S time
tempeste/S tempest,storm
temtar/V try,tempt
tenar/V hold
tende/S tent
tentar/V tempt
teorie/S theory
tera/M tera
terapar/V cure
terate/S,monstre monster
tere/S earth
terme/S warmth,heat
termeze warm
terore/S terror
tetra/NI four
texe/S,histe/S cloth
texte/S text
tiket/S,bilete ticket
timore/S fear
timorosar frighten
timorote fright
timpane/S,tambure drum
tirar/V pull
tolde/S awning
tolerar/V tolerate
tomar/V,scinsar/V cut
tondar/V shear
tondil scissors
torax/S thorax
torte/S cake
tosto soon
tote/A,integre,quite entire
totim entirely
tourisme/S tourism
tourismer tourist
tradizione/S tradition
traduktar/V translate
trainar/V train
trankile/A tranquil
tranportade carriage
tranportar/V,duktar transporter
trans across,through
tratar/V treat
travelar/V travel
trefar attain,strike
trene/S train
tres very
tri/NI three
triare trio
trike/S hair
triste/A sad
triturar/V grind
trombe/S thrombus
trompete/S,salpinge/S trumpet
trop/I too much,many,excessively
trovar/V find
tu/P you sing
tunar/V tune
tunele/S tunnel,galerio
ture/S tower
turnover/S turnover
tuste/I that
ultime/A last
ultra/K beyond
ultral, aditional further
un/IN one
unfoyim once
universe/S universe
universitate/S university
urbe/S, polis/S town,city
urgante/A urgent
urgentum urgency
urinal urinary
urinar urine
urine/S urine
urse/S bear
usable useful
usar/V use
usar/V use
utere/S uterus
utopie/S utopia
vacantie/S holiday
vacine/S vaccine
vacinosade vaccination
vacinosar vaccinate
vacinoser vaccinator
vagine/S,colpe vagina
vagone/S train car
vakuar/V vacate
vakuum/S vacuum
vale/S valley
valence/S valence
valide/A valid
valideze validity
valore havar be worth,value
valore/S value
valorosar worth
valorose valuable
valve/S valve
vampire/S vampire
vandale/S vandal
vapore/S vapour
variablade variation
variable/A variable
variablum variable
variar/V vary
variebleze variability
vasculal vascular
vase/S vase
vaseline/S vaseline
vaste/A vast
vece/S,foye time,occasion
vegetale/S vegetal
vegetative vegetative
vehiklar drive
vehikle/S vehicle
venal venous
venar/V come
vendar/V sell
vene/S,fleve/S vein
veneral/A venereal
venerodie/S Friday
ventade ventilation
ventator fan
vente/S,aneme/S wind
ventil fan
ventre/S belly
verbe/S verb
verde/A green
vere/A true
verim indeed
verme/S worm
verse/S towards,to
versione/S version
vertebre/S vertebra
vertice/S vertex
vertige/S vertigo
vertikale/A vertical
vesicule/S vesicle
vespere/S evening
vestare clothing
veste/S clothing
veste/S dress
vestosar clothe
veterane/A veteran
viande/S meat
vibrar/V vibrate
vicine/S neighbor
vidar/V,opsar see
vidue/S widower
vie through
vigilar/V be awake
vilage/S village
vinagre/S vinegar
vincar/V win
vincer winner
vine/S wine
visage/S face
visitar/V visit
vitre/S glass
vivar/V live
vocar call
voce/S voice
volar/V fly
vomitar/V,emesar/V vomit
vos/P you pl
voular/V want
vulnerar wound
vulnere/S wound
vulpe/S fox
walze/S waltz
wat/S watt
wipar/V wipe
wire/S wire
xere/A,sike dry
xilofoner/S xylophone
yes yes
yester-, previe previous
yesterdiim yesterday
zebre/S zebra
zenite/S zenith
zigzag/S zigzag
zime/S,fermenter yeast
zinke/S zinc
zodiako/S zodiac
zoster/S belt
zulu/S zulu

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